Expert Boston Recruiters

The pandemic catalyzed a seismic shift in the workplace, forcing you to develop a new mindset—often a new business model—and transition to strategies, technologies, and solutions across the organization. The customers with whom you do business had to change as well, repositioning and rethinking how to work on a day-to-day basis.

Consequently, the location of where an employee performs their role has become front and center, giving rise to a new breed of opportunities, and terms, including fully remote jobs, partially remote or hybrid jobs, or work-from-home (WFH). While the meaning of these terms varies by company, functional area, or even for a particular team, along with its impact on compensation, benefits, and taxes, to name a few, it is abundantly clear that remote work is here to stay. Whether companies will be able to effectively adapt and adopt, and sustain success, remains an ongoing challenge. 

Now, you are about to make a sales leadership hire and top of mind is

Q: Should I hire a remote sales professional–a CRO, VP of Sales, Player/Coach or Director of Sales?

A: It depends. Let’s Talk.

Business-Critical Expertise for Remote Sales Jobs

CEO’s and hiring managers regularly seek our advice on the topic. As experienced Boston recruiters, we diligently unpack your company’s market position, goals, sales infrastructure, culture, systems and processes, and tech stack to help you arrive at the best customer-focused selling model to generate revenue and rapidly scale. We help define the ideal sales executives and professionals you need to lead strategy, hire, train, manage and motivate the team, and close major deals to grow your business

One size does not fit all. It never did.

Some salespeople excel cultivating personal interactions with customers while others have deeply adopted a digital-first sales skill set. Our experience and expertise as sales executive headhunters means we partner with you to determine the best performance model to drive success and then find uniquely qualified sales professionals—for your business and your culture. Our goal is to ensure you get the best candidate for your needs whether you hire for an onsite, hybrid or remote sales job. 

Schedule an Introductory Call with Our Boston Recruiters

For more than 35 years as Boston’s top sales headhunters, we have honed our rigorous evaluation process to consistently deliver top quality candidates to fit your business. Leveraging our vast network, we are ready to identify and evaluate the strongest prospective employees for remote sales jobs, working onsite, or hybrid workplace environments. Our team is committed to providing customized service for your most pressing challenges. Schedule an introductory call. Let’s talk.

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